‘Gerakan Cinta Anak Tani’ (The farmer junior movement) preparing‘Anak Laut’ (sea child) to face the world

M. Royan, Chairani Ridha Maghfira, Cinta
Bogor Agricultural University
National issues nowadays based on Indonesia readiness in facing free trade South East Asia. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) being a hot- issue due to plenty of problems that must be solved in Indonesia such as agricultural sector, especially in marine sub-sector. The Universe considers Indonesia as a South East Asia country which is the most dominance and as a barometer from South East Asia countries movement. This happen because of Indonesia’s economic growth is highly enough and steadily in about 6.1-6.5% in 3 years lately. Indonesia as country with the biggest coast line and citizen among others country is a huge potency for this nation. However, Indonesia readiness especially in marine sector is still became special cases from many problems. Based on Ministry of Marine and Fishery data (2012), an amount of Indonesia fisherman is about 2.2 million people. Otherwise, Indonesia Statistical Centre (2013) said that fisherman household is about 1.4 million, and more than 95 percents is traditional fisherman. Starring from their education is about 70% of fisherman is elementary graduates. The fisherman with low education would effects marine sub-sector less adaptive with innovation and leave far from other South-East Asia countries. One of marine problems which are traditional and ineffective is because of fisherman low education. That case must be solved soon by preparing marine and fishery next generation like ‘anak nelayan’ or fisherman junior.
The farmer junior movement as the real action of youth in handling problems in marine and fishery sector has been done for 5 years lately. Here are character development programs from the farmer junior movement, 1) Integrated Farming Education is open mind program with the output from farmer junior and fisherman junior community at school. 2) Life plan program is workshop program to build up their future dreams. 3) Value Training is the program to share the kind value of life in several events. 4) Motivation Training is motivation program to ready on examination and university selection. 5) Visit Agroindustry is the program which is open up knowledge in marine industry and the ways to run business. and 6) Career Development is the program which directs the advantage receiver to their willingness campus. Agriculture especially marine with credible human resources will toughen Indonesia in facing a number of pressure in AEC. The farmer junior movement collaborates with Dompet Dhuafa Indonesia as a youth care existence in Agriculture sector especially in Marine sub-sector.
Keywords : Movement, Fisherman, AEC

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#English version


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