Understanding Relationship

Between two people, boy and girl. There should be a thing that we called feeling. It couldn't be denied, if one or two of them even only a little, they certainly ever met that sense. Formerly I thought it was a childish thing. I hate to admit what actually just happened to me. I couldn't clearly said that I'm facing these complicated things right now--22 age. Later or sooner it was certainly comes up as an episode of human being. Who you are, how old you are, it will randomly attacks us anytime.

What actually I wanna post today, it only a glimpse of my restlesness. Reader discretion is needed, I will get relief jst after write the whole down... so let me reflect it.

Part of my self whispered to not get away right now. Try to recognize the small things, small feelings, small scars in order to learn; To self-understanding; to rebuild. To be more human. They seems ignoring me to keep pretend, self-resilience become as that bad if I've never figure the things out.  Then it only comes to a repetition in another day. I do, avoided it.
First and foremost, I bet this anxiety only hit me as a girl, not quite sure if a boy also met this things. Even if they do, it might be a mere of 10% population. The evidence shows that female more to use their sense prior logical think. For this case, I agree.
These kind of things started to happen jst after I decide to understand him--as more jst a friend. Drama turning ups and downs like a roller coster, along with my another part of life story, say it family, career, friendship, and dream. I'm not sure if the drama will jst get over. But all I can do now is attempting to trust him. I wish that he also attempt to do the same. Sometimes, I met the case when I think that it was jealousy. But it turns into oftenly. I ought to not think that things. But please. Show me that he'll never did the sensitive things which surely I know, he will know if I get jealous.

Can I trust you?


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