Chairani Ridha Maghfira1*, Muhammad Alauddin Rauf1, Intan Puspita Dewi1
1Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680

Indonesia has abundant natural resources, supportive geographical condition, diversity culture, and population which allow the enormous potential of human resources inside. These circumstances underlying nation optimism about self-sufficiency program of local beef cattle in 2014. However the efforts for increasing local beef cattle production in order to achieve sustainability self-sufficiency program in 2014 still needs supporting and cooperating from various group. The achievement of local beef cattle production is influenced with a number of factors, one of these aspects is animal health. Animal health plays an important role in the Self-Sufficiency Program Beef Cattle and Buffalo (PSDSK), especially in controlling and preventing of animal diseases, which in turn will increase the production and reproduction of the animals [1]. Animal health reacts for increasing ‘ASUH’ production of local beef cattle. ASUH (safety, healthy, complete, and Halal) is a principle of the self-sufficiency to be achieved to protect consumer. The availability of ASUH food from animals is one of concrete manifestation from development goals in food safety [2]. Zoonotic threat in Indonesia also the world tend to increase and feared to damage the health of livestock so need prevention or reduction of zoonotic diseases that produce animal safety and animal health. Healthy livestock conditions affecting safety of livestock product, having impact on the welfare of society as a consumer. In this case, One Health is realized by building the knowledge up, implementing of zoonotic studies, and manifesting a strong integration and synergy, especially between the medicine and veterinary medicine, in the fight against zoonosis by building collaboration among various disciplines related either directly or indirectly, such as nutritionists and feed technologist, expert of livestock production, livestock environmentalists, expert of food science and technology and others institutions of government.

Kata kunci: ASUH, Beef, Health, One Health, Strategic Role

[1] Suseno PP. 2014. Dukungan kesehatan hewan bagi pembangunan peternakan Indonesia. Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan [internet]. [diunduh 27 Januari 2015]. Tersedia pada: hewan#sthash.LPfC38sx.dpuf
[2] PM Pertanian. 2007. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian tentang Pedoman Percepatan Pencapaian Swasembada Daging Sapi. Jakarta (ID): PM Pertanian. 



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