
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2015

International Students Party

If I'm not wrong the party was held on April 30th.. This event was wind up my April :) Called it, International Student Party, this event going to be annual project of Directory Students Afairs, Bogor Agric Univ. Unfortunately, this event coincided with Olive Closing Ceremony :( >> Olive is Olimpiade Veterniner. I'm really sorry with all of my batch friend, couldn't enjoying closing ceremony that night.. haha just for your information, I've got silver medal on 'estafet putri' category with some of my partner too there are asri, rahmi and ambi. yeyy :D  Thankyou for trusting me being a Buddies of foreign friend from around the world for a night :) I meet my new friends from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Canada and many more. Actually I even don't know the based of this election. Why are they choose me-_- even my grammar and speaking skill was not good enough, I think. But thank once it's filled up my nationalism haha, because of this ...


Chairani Ridha Maghfira 1* ,   Muhammad Alauddin Rauf 1 , Intan Puspita Dewi 1 1 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan,  Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 * E-mail: Abstrack Indonesia has abundant natural resources, supportive geographical condition, diversity culture, and population which allow the enormous potential of human resources inside. These circumstances underlying nation optimism about self-sufficiency program of local beef cattle in 2014. However the efforts for increasing local beef cattle production in order to achieve sustainability self-sufficiency program in 2014 still needs supporting and cooperating from various group. The achievement of local beef cattle production is influenced with a number of factors, one of these aspects is animal health. Animal health plays an important role in the Self-Sufficiency Program Beef Cattle and Buffalo (PSDSK), especially in controlling and preventing of animal diseases, which in turn will increa...

‘Gerakan Cinta Anak Tani’ (The farmer junior movement) preparing‘Anak Laut’ (sea child) to face the world

M. Royan, Cha i rani Ridha Maghfira, Cinta Bogor Agricultural University National issues nowadays based on Indonesia readiness in facing free trade South East Asia. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) being a hot- issue due to plenty of problems that must be solved in Indonesia such as agricultural sector, especially in marine sub-sector. The Universe considers Indonesia as a South East Asia country which is the most dominance and as a barometer from South East Asia countries movement. This happen because of Indonesia’s economic growth is highly enough and steadily in about 6.1-6.5% in 3 years lately. Indonesia as country with the biggest coast line and citizen among others country is a huge potency for this nation. However, Indonesia readiness especially in marine sector is still became special cases from many problems. Based on Ministry of Marine and Fishery data (2012), an amount of Indonesia fisherman is about 2.2 million people. Otherwise, Indonesia Statistical Centre (2013) sai...


Mau berbagi cerita aja nih.. beberapa bulan lalu akhirnya sempet juga keluar Bogor dan curi-curi waktu di tengah kesibukan untuk ikut lomba Kimvetnas (Konferensi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Veteriner Nasional) FKH UGM tanggal 28-29 Maret 2015. Dari sejumlah pengirim abstrak Alhamdulillah jadi salah satu yg lolos presentasi ke UGM. Pas banget waktunya, lagi iseng cari lomba yg berkaitan dengan FKH, eehh ugm ngadain acara yowes sikat. Delegasi IPB ngirim 3 kelompok, kebanyak peserta angkatan 2011 ato 48 kalo di IPB nya. Huoo jago jago pisan mereka :’) trus ternyata salah satu delegasi IPB ada kelomponya kaka mapres fkh, ka faisal wkwk lumayan jalan-jalan sama kk mapres :p Kelompok aku sendiri ada Intan sama Rauf, kelompok PKM jugaaa :”) aah mereka ini makasih banyak yaaa atas banyak pahit manisnya kita begadang sampe jam satu di kortan :”) sampe bela belain pulang ke rumah rani numpang wifi an gratis tengah malem buat selesein full paper kocaklaah.. trus sampe bela-belain ...