
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

Graduation Day (2)

Me with Pak Yoni, Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik, dan Pak Herry Rektor IPB Me with Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik Kemahasiswaan, Drh Agus Setiyono aka Prof Yoni Bersama Drh Wyanda aka Kakanda  dan teman kakanda :) Uni yang selalu ceria, pandai, cekatan, dan supel. Belajar banyak hal dari Kakanda selama di sekretariat Kurban dan soo Respect her. Bersama Bang Hendi, orang pertama yang ngasih Bunga dan Pisang di hari wisuda. Mantan Direktur dan Partner Lomba yang juga banyak belajar dari abang satu ini. Rajin ke mesjid dan kalo ber argumen intelek banget tjoy. tp kalo nglawak receh :( (peace bang). Penampilan sederhana, medoknya masih jadi ciri khas, tp diem diem karya nya udah di sana sini. okepunya gatuh? boleh banget di kepoin ig nya bagi yg minat hahah @hendioktakurniawan Me with teman SMP kuu, Saefa :)) dan Dela, Duo anak berprestasi Biologi IPB. Teman SMP yang sekarang jadi adik junior :p Teman teman P03 :) Ayups dan Thoriq. Bersama Intan, Sahabat A-Z...

Graduation Day

I know nothin about love. But I do know that I'm being in loved and happy around them :') Yasin, Ka Aul, Rani, Mamah, Ayah di hari Wisuda Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan ku Me with Satria's Family, kurang Merin, adik perempuan Bang Satria :) Me with Ka Aul dan Abang. Ka Aul has done her job so much well at that day ! My loveable sissy :"") Teman diskusi dan ber argumen, Temen kulineran, Mentor Photoshop. Tapi lebih senang disebut Teman Hidup (: Terima Kasih atas bilahan mozaik indahnya, selalu lindungi mereka, orang-orang terkasih dalam hidup ku.  Dan selamat berjuang menuju Koas ! Doa terbaik selalu dipanjatkan agar penuh berkah dan Ridho-Nya :') -Wednesday, Oct 18th 2017-

“Three Zones of Livestock’s House”: as a form of livestock health management system for actualizing food security of animal origin products in Indonesia

~Food Security~ Chairani Ridha Maghfira – Bogor Agricultural University The world food needs are increasing as population growth. The existence of this population growth will lead to many problems including food insecurity. In Indonesia, the food problems cannot be avoided. It is often referred as an agricultural country which most of the population are farmers. However, there are still many shortages that hit Indonesian, in line with population growth. Increasingly high population growth and quality of life are addressing the needs of the food then become a major concern. One food product that requires special attention is the fulfillment of  the consumption of food products of animal origin, such as meat, milk and eggs which accounted for the quite high protein requirement. Increased productivity of foods of animal origin can be done in various ways, among which may be applicable is the effort to maintain the health and welfare of livestock to achieve optimal livestock ...